Pool Tips
We have a few tips to help you have a healthy pool during the colder months. While one may think that you would want to care for your pool during colder months, your pool will be healthy, chemically balanced, and ready for use when spring comes knocking, and it will keep your pool in good condition.
Let’s look at handy tips to follow during the colder months:
- Clean Your Pool
The first step is giving your pool a thorough clean, removing any debris, scrubbing and ensuring that you get rid of algae, and cleaning around the water line to ensure that you didn’t miss any spots. - Check your pool’s chemical balance
Check that the chemical chemistry of your pool is aligned; this is important if you want a clean and healthy pool come springtime. Test your pool chemistry with a pool test kit; it will indicate all the chemical levels in your pool and what needs to be corrected level, alkalinity and hardness; leaving your pool inactive can damage it in other ways. - Shock your pool
Even when you think your pool water is the cleanest, it can get contaminated by everything, dead skin or hair cells, leaves, or bugs. Chlorine binds to the bacteria created from the contaminants, which will make your pool cloudy. Oxidise the chlorine by shocking your pool water; this will make your water clean and clear again; ensure that you shock your pool before you cover your pool for the colder months. - Lower water level
Once tested and treated, lower your water level below your skimmers. Lowering your water to six inches below will protect your pool if the water gets too cold. - Clean and store your pool equipment
Doing this step will require you to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and have all your pump and fittings guiders in hand. Before covering your pool for winter, clean out the pump and get rid of any debris from the pipes so they are clean. Always ensure you unplug all the electronic plugs from the pump, store them in the pump basket, and thoroughly clean all the other equipment before storing them safely during winter. - Cover your pool
The final step is to cover your pool Check that your pool cover is in good condition. Follow all the instructions from your pool cover guide; the cover will protect your pool until the warmer weather returns.
We all have rules to help us have a balanced life and lifestyle. The same applies when coming to pools. Suppose you are a pool owner and want the perfect pool to keep you and your loved ones’ pool time fun. Follow these seven rules to keep your pool healthy and safe and pool water sparkling clear blue.
- Pool care is SIMPLE
Don’t let anyone tell you any different. Filtration, correct pH & steady sanitiser levels are all you need to know. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. - Granular chlorine is wasteful
Don’t be fooled by “price per kg” comparisons – granules evaporate quickly, losing much of what you add. Disposable floaters release just enough chlorine, so you waste less, and it’s more convenient. - Filter, Filter, Filter
Less suspended dirt = low chemical demand and safe, hygienic water. Summer: minimum 12 hours a day. Winter minimum 8 – 12 hours a day. Good filtration costs less than chemical treatment. - Balance your pH
Balanced pH = chemical efficiency, which makes life tough for algae and reduces the risk of staining caused by metals and minerals. - Shock treat
Shock treat regularly. Chemical demand in water fluctuates continuously, and no matter what you use, standard chemical treatments can’t cope. - All-in-one “cures” don’t work – period
Many “miracle” cures have come and gone, but none have stood the test of time. Stick to the basics; your pool will be an asset, not a liability, so avoid shortcuts. - Outsmart your pool
Using a clarifier regularly removes a lot of suspended matter that interferes with your regular treatment program. Remove the waste, and you’ll have a sparkling pool that costs less.
Primary Causes:
When water goes from very low to high pH levels quickly, dissolved metals may precipitate out of the solution and accumulate on pool surfaces. This can be exacerbated by high calcium levels in the pool, usually due to long-term use of granular calcium-based chlorine.
Metal-removing products may help, but if it’s too bad, you can: a) drain the pool and acid wash the walls. Or b) add hydrochloric acid until metals re-dissolve – THEN, add metal remover BEFORE lifting pH again. Use POOL MAGIC TURBOCLEAR to assist with filtration after treatment.
Primary Causes:
High pH or INSUFFICIENT chlorine (yes, that’s correct!) causes the formation of CHLORAMINES that give off a bad odour and irritate skin and eyes.
Test pH level and correct if necessary.
Shock treat with POOL MAGIC TURBO SHOCK as directed.
Primary Causes: Incorrect pH, and insufficient chlorine levels.
Test pH and correct as instructed by your Test Kit.
Backwash your filter, and rinse.
Then shock treat with TURBO SHOCK as directed
Note: Severe infestation may require an algaecide eg: POOL MAGIC MICROSHOCK or ONE SHOT Add according to directions before resuming normal chlorine treatment.
Primary Causes:
Very low pH causes dissolved metals to come out of the solution, making them visible.
- Buy a metal remover at your supermarket and follow instructions before adjusting total alkalinity and pH to the correct levels. Then add POOL MAGIC TURBOCLEAR clarifiers to remove bonded.
Primary Causes:
It could be high pH levels, total alkalinity (TA), inefficient filtration/circulation, dust build-up, or high bather loads.
- Test and correct pH, TA, or chlorine levels if necessary. To fix FAST,
- Add POOL MAGIC TURBO CLEAR clarifier as directed. To prevent this on an ongoing basis, add POOL MAGIC FLOCCULENT GEL BLOCKS once a month.
Primary Causes:
Granular chlorine, bodily fluids, suntan oils, grime, etc., being used over an extended period will cause calcium deposits to build up.
Use an ACID-BASED brick & tile cleaner, a stiff brush, and some elbow grease.
Add POOL MAGIC TURBOSHOCK to super chlorinate the pool water.
Note: Severe infestation may require an algaecide eg: POOL MAGIC MICROSHOCK (750ml) or ONE SHOT (2lt) Add according to directions before resuming normal chlorine treatment.
- Ensure your hoses seal properly and don’t have tears or holes.
- Hoses develop “memory” over time, which can restrict the movement of your cleaner. To prevent this, remove hoses every few months and place them in the sun until they’re soft and pliable, then reassemble them in a different order.
- Make sure your APC valve is in good condition.
- When replacing a section of the hose, always fit the new section closest to the cleaner.
- The total length of hose used should be from the weir to the furthest point of the pool – plus one additional length (this may vary).
- The direction of your aimflow affects your APC’s movement, so adjust the jet until you get the optimal result.
Q: What is stabiliser “Balance”?
A: The concentration of pool stabiliser in your water.
Q: What is a “stabiliser”?
A: Stabiliser = cyanuric acid, a chemical that protects chlorine from the sun’s rays. The stabiliser is effective at concentrations of 30 ppm – 50 ppm.
Q: Can I add as much stabiliser as I want?
A: No. The stabiliser is soluble, like sugar, and concentrations build up over time until it interferes with sanitation. This is called a “chlorine lock”, where your pool might look clean – but isn’t hygienic.
Q: How does stabiliser build up?
A: Through overuse of stabilised chlorine products.
Q: How do I fix “chlorine-locked” water?
A: Draining 30% – 50% of your pool and topping it up with fresh water.
Q: Can I avoid this?
A: Yes, use non-stabilised chlorine. If you prefer stabilised products, then alternate with non-stabilised chlorine products (like the POOL MAGIC KLEENKLOR “BALANCE” FLOATER) for at least four months of the year.
The difference between using granular chlorine and salt is convenience – not chemistry. Salt pools are chlorine pools.
- So which is better? The choice is yours, but consider the facts:
- If you factor in the capital cost, salt is NOT cheaper than chlorine (especially if you use a disposable floater).
- Salt is a partial fix. Salt pools still need regular shock treatment with granular chlorine, Turbo Shock, or other oxidisers.
- Salt equipment needs ongoing maintenance, which can be costly. Do your research carefully before you buy.
- Only use NSPI-approved salt.
- Maintain salt levels at 3000 – 5000 ppm.
- Dirty or worn electrodes can give low chlorine readings.
- Clean electrodes by soaking them in a 1:10 solution of hydrochloric acid & water.
- So which is better? The choice is yours, but consider the facts: